Shirgal-Wings is the official examiner behalf of the ICAA for English proficiency, according to ICAO requirements.
Shirgal-Wings provides preparation course for the English proficiency examination. There are two kinds of that course – long (16 hours) and short (8 hours).

Information about English Proficiency examinations:

  • Payment of exam fee to ICAA is a pre-requisite condition for registration for examination. The examinee should attach to the registration form a scanned copy of the fee payments document, or airline approval in case the airlines pays the fees for its pilots under special arrangement with ICAA. In addition, the examinee should present the original fee document or airline letter at the exam day. In addition, the examinee is required to present to the exam supervisor an identification certificate with a picture
  • As a response of registration form submission, Shirgal-Wings will send by E-mail a date and hour for the test. Fixing an exam time will be considered as formal registration
  • An examinee may refrain from showing up for exam without advance notice just once. Second refraining from an exam will require new fee payment as a condition for renewed registration
  • The examinee is required to ask for change of exam time in a week advanced notice. Only in special cases shorter notice will be accepted
  • An examinee may appeal about the exam results within one week after its execution. The appeal should be submitted to Shirgal-Wings on a formal form, that can be downloaded from Shirgal-Wings’ site, or ask for sending it by mail or fax. For being treated the appellant should attach to the filled appeal form a copy of the appeal fee payment document to ICAA
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